THUNDERMOTHER Releases New Single 'Dead Or Alive'

November 15, 2024

Swedish rock quartet THUNDERMOTHER has released a new single, "Dead Or Alive". The track is taken from the band's upcoming album, "Dirty & Divine", which will arrive on February 7, 2025 via AFM Records.

THUNDERMOTHER comments: "With 'Dead Or Alive' we're exploring the feeling of emptiness that sometimes come after a warm summer and into the fall. We're asking the question of 'what do I do with my life, now that the darkness is upon me for eight months?' We're don't have any answers, but we hope that our fans can connect with that feeling and that 'Dead Or Alive' can be a song for those who is asking that same question."

A blistering onslaught of loud, proud and gritty hard rock, "Dirty & Divine" marks the start of a new era for THUNDERMOTHER. This album showcases the THUNDERMOTHER recording debut for both frontwoman Linnea Vikström Egg and drummer Joan Massing. "Dirty & Divine" also welcomes bassist Majsan Lindberg back into the fold.

THUNDERMOTHER have always been committed to the electrifying euphoria of real, organic rock 'n' roll. Over the course of 15 years and five widely acclaimed studio albums, they have firmly established themselves as one of the most vivacious and vital hard rock bands around, with a never-say-die spirit and collective charisma that underpin everything they do. These women are rock 'n' roll diehards, and "Dirty & Divine" takes that ethos up a notch. The sixth THUNDERMOTHER album crackles with gritty authenticity and unstoppable passion. For guitarist and founding member Filippa Nässil and Linnea, their newly forged partnership has been an unequivocal success.

"We've been working on this a long time, maybe a year and a half," says Filippa, who was pregnant during the "Dirty & Divine" recording process and is now a "thunder mother" for real. "As soon as Linnea came into the band, we started sending demos to each other, and we did loads of writing, which was great, because she's a fantastic songwriter. I was sending her the music and she was sending me these amazing lyrics and melodies. It's been fun to work with someone that good! On the last album we had outside songwriters because we didn't have that kind of synergy in the band. Now I send Linnea music, and then just kick back, because it is guaranteed she'll send lyrics and melodies that just crush the song."

"Dirty & Divine" illustrates perfectly all that is new and improved for THUNDERMOTHER. As the first two singles already made clear ("Speaking Of The Devil" and "I Left My License In The Future"),every one of the album's ten, sweat-soaked songs are dripping with potential to saturate and satisfy rock fans. Meanwhile, the decision to record the new material live in the studio has reaped its own rewards. "Dirty & Divine" is the sound of a kickass rock 'n' roll band doing it for real, and loving every raucous second.

"There is still that genuine THUNDERMOTHER feeling, with my guitar playing and all of that," says Filippa. "It's still got a '70s vibe, but the melodies are catchier and the vocals are obviously different. We're always evolving, never standing still. I think this is the best album we've made so far, and I'm very picky! [Laughs] We recorded it in Copenhagen, with Søren Andersen producing again, and we recorded eight songs in four days. So this was the quickest recording we've ever done, and the best outcome."

In support of "Dirty & Divine", THUNDERMOTHER will embark on an extensive European tour, kicking off in Hamburg, Germany in early 2025.

"Dirty & Divine" track listing:

01. So Close
02. Can't Put Out The Fire
03. Speaking Of The Devil
04. Feeling Alright
05. Take The Power
06. I Left My License In The Future
07. Dead Or Alive
08. Can You Feel It
09. Bright Eyes
10. American Adrenaline


Linnea Vikström Egg (vocals)
Filippa Nässil (guitar)
Majsan Lindberg (bass)
Joan Massing (drums)

The new THUNDERMOTHER lineup made its live debut on April 20, 2023 by playing a "secret" show at Pub Anchor in Stockholm, Sweden. The latest THUNDERMOTHER incarnation played its first "official" concert on April 22, 2023 at Ski & Rock in Sälen, Sweden. They then kicked off a series of European shows as the support act for the SCORPIONS.

In February 2023, it was announced that singer Guernica Mancini, drummer Emlee Johansson and bassist Mona Lindgren were exiting THUNDERMOTHER and were forming a new band together. At the same time, Nässilrevealed that she would continue with a new THUNDERMOTHER lineup.

In early 2023, Mancini, who joined THUNDERMOTHER in 2017, gave several interviews in which she described her time with the group as "six tough years" and "a very bumpy ride". She also said that Filippa decided to fire her from the band without consulting the other members of THUNDERMOTHER, a move which they perceived as "very disrespectful towards them, being that they believed that we were a democracy and that we had a say in these things," according to Guernica.

In March 2023, Mancini, Johansson and Lindgren announced that their new band would be called THE GEMS. They have since signed a worldwide deal with Napalm Records and have issued their debut album, "Phoenix".

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